Sale of The Century Wiki

These were the goods that were brought to us due to the success of Temptation.

Board Game[]

Crown & Andrews (2006)[]

The following contents of the game similar to Sale are the playing board, electronic umpire (an electronic item that determines which player buzzed-in first), six buttons, a Question & Answer book, six score markers, sixteen Show Prize Cards, twenty-four Leader Prize cards, twenty-six Winner Prize cards, card tray and the rules.

DVD Game[]

Imagination (2007)[]

Featuring host Ed Phillips, before the show ended it's run.

Novelty Item[]

Track Stars (????)[]

A Big Red Buzzer (or Temptation buzzer) has also been released which includes: a "ring-in" sound effect, and a "three-second" timer with a "flashing light".

Additional Note[]

Both the Board Game and the Big Red Buzzer were once available thru their website at
